McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law that guarantees certain rights and protections to any school-age child in the United States who does not have a fixed, regular, and adequate place to live or sleep. The New Jersey McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program provides protection and services to ensure they enroll in and attend school; complete their education and be positioned for success after graduation. 

Is your child staying in ANY of the following places because of financial hardship or lack of alternatives? 
● Sharing an apartment or home with someone else because you cannot find or afford housing
● Staying in motels, trailer parks, or campgrounds
● Staying in shelters or transitional housing
● Sleeping in cars, parks, or abandoned buildings
● Staying somewhere not listed here, but that is not stable or reliable

Every situation is different; it doesn’t matter if it’s just for a few days or for a long period of time. McKinney-Vento policies determine whether a child’s living situation is not “fixed, regular, and adequate.” 

What should you do if you think this might apply to your child?
If you are not yet enrolled in Montclair Public Schools, notify the registrars listed below when you are registering for school. You will have different requirements for registration if your child meets the criteria for McKinney-Vento.
The District and every school have staff who are trained to support students and their families who do not have fixed, regular, and adequate housing. These specially-trained school staff members are called Homeless Liaisons. Information about a child’s living situation is treated the same as other educational information, and is confidential to the child, parent/guardian, and Homeless Liaison/school staff.

How does the law help children who do not have fixed, regular, and adequate housing? Some of the key things children are entitled to:
● Immediate enrollment in public school, even if they are missing documents or have missed deadlines
● A full and equal opportunity to succeed in school
● Referrals for health, dental, mental health, housing, substance abuse, and other appropriate services
● Staying in their school even if where they are sleeping changes
● Transportation to their school even if where they are sleeping changes
● Automatic enrollment in the Free and Reduced Lunch program which means:
○ Free or reduced-price breakfasts and lunches
○ Waived field trip costs
○ Scholarships for Montclair Public Schools’ Summer Enrichment Camps through Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence (MFEE)
○ Discounts on recreation activities run by the Township of Montclair’s Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department
○ High School students receive specific benefits from College Board including fee waivers and reductions

What should you do if you think this might apply to your child? 
You can contact any of the Montclair Public Schools’ staff listed below. If your child is already in a school, start with the liaison at your school. If you are not yet enrolled in Montclair Public Schools, notify the registrars listed below when you are registering for school.

Please call even if you are not sure this applies to you. The District McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaisons or registrars can assist you in helping you determine if you meet the qualifications.
Dr. Felice A. Harrison-Crawford, Asst. Superintendent of Operations and School Support Services/McKinney Vento District Liaison, [email protected], 973-509-4000 ext. 50302
Ms. Jasmine Malloy, Registrar, [email protected], 973-509-4000 ext. 50303 
Ms. Robin Schlager, Asst. Registrar, [email protected], 973-509-4000 ext. 50304

What should you do if your situation changes?
Please contact the Liaison or registrars and update them on any changes to your situation throughout this transition.
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