Mission, Vision, Beliefs & Goals

Montclair Public Schools' Mission

The Montclair Public School District is dedicated to creating a culture of learning and continuous improvement that provides every child with a high quality, creative, innovative and challenging education, through a magnet system of integrated schools in which every school represents a strong, diverse and vibrant community of learners.

Adopted by the Board: 8.21.17

Montclair Public Schools' Vision

The Montclair Public Schools will cultivate and support our students to become high academic achievers, curious and creative thinkers, and socially adept young people who are prepared for college, careers, and livelihoods in the 21st century.

Adopted by the Board: 8.21.17

Core Beliefs

We believe:

  • Challenging all students by providing high-quality academic opportunities is essential to student success.
  • All children, regardless of circumstances, can achieve at high levels.

  • Effective educators are key to improving growth in student achievement. In addition, the Board of Education and Central Office must promote an environment of continuous improvement and innovation that results in a high performing district that is 100% focused on student achievement and success.
  • Supportive and engaged parents, guardians and members of our diverse community must be welcomed and encouraged to become active participants in the education of our students.

Adopted by the Board: 8.21.17

2022-2023 Board Goals

Goal 1: Communications
The Board believes in the importance of continuous improvement in the area of communication with the goal to promote transparency; provide timely feedback; and protect the accuracy of information. It is our belief that it is a necessary tool to keep all stakeholders informed; gather varied perspectives to enhance decision making; and foster a culture of trust and transparency within the schools and community. The processes utilized should be flexible, varied in design and inclusive of networks that create a structure for collaborative decision making whenever possible and accessible to all.

The Board will work together to improve internal collaboration and to keep all members informed as to important developments within the District. The Board will create methods to better inform the community as to relevant Board business so as to promote timely public input and to maximize transparency.

The Board will support the Superintendent and District leadership in efforts to construct new avenues of public communication and to improve existing structures. The Board will request quarterly updates from the District regarding feedback from the community and any changes in communication structure. 

Goal 2: Student Achievement
The Montclair Public School District believes “All students can learn” and “Every child is special.” Through the integration of committee work and whole Board collaboration accordingly.

The Board will work with the Superintendent to advance ambitious policy reforms that maintain adherence to changes facilitated by State law and social norms to ensure that every student has access to all levels of instruction and the supports necessary to reduce the barriers for academic success, and an educational experience that prepares them for competency required for living in a democratic society; cultivates respect for diverse perspectives; and nurtures social and emotional development.

The Board will work with the Superintendent to promote hiring that will retain a diverse staff that is representative of the cultural diversity of our community in order to inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love for learning.

The Board will instruct the Superintendent to have district leadership Inform the Board regularly with presentations of data that informs the community of student achievement and serves as a basis for pertinent action planning geared to facilitating support for academic growth; ensuring efficacy and relevance of curriculum, academic programs and systems; fact-finding for problem solving purposes and rationale for new program initiatives.

The Board will work with the Superintendent to advance the decision making regarding the planning and implementation of staff development opportunities that will facilitate best teaching practices that support our target goals for ensuring equity, opportunity, and high achievement for all students.

The Board will work with the Superintendent to evaluate new approaches to reduce the barriers to a college degree or create preparedness for work-place readiness targeting a career pathway.The Board will work with the Superintendent integrate adaptive learning opportunities to align the educational experience to student learning styles, pace, and differentiated needs as a philosophy that supports equity and opportunity for all.

The Board will work with the Superintendent to continue to support efforts towards the progress made to restructure the Department of Pupil Services in a manner that supports mandated compliance while ensuring efficacy and fidelity of practice so all students share opportunities for successful growth and development.

Goal 3: District Business Practice
The Board will direct the Superintendent to require all pertinent staff to conduct a department process audit for the purpose of improving efficiency; ensuring accuracy; and providing clear, simple guidelines for all staff to follow. The Board will support the Superintendent's efforts towards any changes that are deemed necessary with the expectation that ALL employees will be held accountable for the implementation of uniformly consistent and accurate practices in the daily operations of the district's business practices.

Goal 4: District Facilities
The Board will support the superintendent in developing a plan and building community support around bringing the facilities within the district into a 21st century learning environment.

The Board will support the Superintendent in focusing the first part of this school year to making sure that the public understands the deteriorating conditions of many of our facilities and equipment and the unique opportunity presented by the Community Investment Bond. The BOE will make sure that the public is informed of all of the costs and savings presented  by the Bond Proposal so that their vote is well informed.

The goal of the second half of the school year is to ensure timely execution of planning to aid decision making for bonding requisition; project funding allocation, and tax levy purposes; bring administration and staff on board as partners in decision making, where necessary; while communicating progress to the public to ensure transparency of process.

Goal 5: Climate and Culture
The Board will support the Superintendent to ensure safety, health and well-being of all district students, administrators and staff are priority.

The Board will direct the Superintendent to require compliance by District School Safety Teams and School Action Teams to follow meeting and reporting requirements as outlined in established policies.

The Board will direct the Superintendent to continue to support the continued funding, expansion, and implementation of the district Restorative Justice Initiative.

The Board will direct the Superintendent to determine best practices, and ongoing staff professional development, to become both culturally responsive and trauma informed.  

2022-2023 District Goals

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