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School Year 2025-26 School Tours and Registration Schedule now available!
Bond Referendum: Information/updates and dedicated email for questions
2024-25 School Year Calendar - Note change: Primary Election Day moved from June 3 to June 10.
Comprehensive Equity Plan
Board of Education Meetings
The next Montclair Board of Education meeting will take place on Wed., Feb. 19 at
the George Inness Annex Atrium, 141 Park St. The meeting will start at 6:30 PM, then immediately go into Executive Session until approximately 7:30 PM when it will reopen to the public. If you are attending in person, please complete
the sign-in sheet upon entering. Masks optional. As a reminder, comments are limited to
three minutes. Agenda forthcoming. Click HERE for the live stream. Click HERE for the virtual public comment sign up sheet.
If you are concerned that your child may have a physical, mental, learning or behavioral disability, please visit the Pupil Services/Special Education section of our website. You may request free screening and evaluation at any time, whether or not your child is enrolled in the Montclair Public Schools.