Montclair Public Schools Honors Each Student: LGBTQIA+ Awareness is Essential

Welcome to our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) webpage. As a welcoming an inclusive school community, this webpage is dedicated to educating the critical mass relative to the LGBTQIA+ topic. This webpage is intended to be a resource for educators, parents/guardians, students and community members. As a disclaimer, Montclair Public Schools does not officially endorse organizations noted below. Each individual viewing these resources should understand that Montclair Public Schools is attempting to create literacy, language and understandings that will assist our equity, access, social justice and opportunity work.

Montclair Public Schools Transgender Policy
Transgender Guidance for School Districts
Using pronouns
Beyond the Gender Binary by Dr. Margaret Nichols: “…the difference between transgender children and those who are gender nonconforming or gender fluid, why we’re seeing so many of them now, and the changes they are making in our culture...”
Support Resources
General Support from PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.) PFLAG is the oldest and most known support resource and has chapters in every state. Online support and local in-person meetings.
On supporting children (PFLAG)
Support and how to be a better support
Blog and chat pages for parent support
Story books, coloring pages, resource materials for children
Inquiry, definitions, education
How and Why to Respect Pronouns
Basic definitions of terms
Expanded definitions of terms and concepts
American Academy of Pediatrics General Policy Statement on LGBTQ+ Youth
Parenting and family, including “how do I know if this is just a phase?” and explanation of gender; supportive parenting practices and rejecting parenting practices
Transgender Students FAQs
Transgender reading list for adults
Research and findings for grades K-12
Research: How GSA makes schools safer for all students
24 hour suicide hotline for youth
Faith Based Resources
Parents Reconciling Network (PRN), works for justice for people of all sexual orientations and genders and especially within The United Methodist Church parents of LGBTQ+ children.
GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) resources and links. Includes links to specific denominations.
Sexuality Education
Our Whole Lives (OWL) age appropriate sexuality curricula for children, teenagers, young adults and adults published by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries. Currently being run in public schools, community centers and faith based entities; designed for both secular community and public institutions as well as faith based organizations.
Local chapter:
Our Whole Lives c/o UUCM, 973-744-6276
Contact Unitarian Universalist Office Manager
Resources for Teens
NJ Dept of Child and Family Services
Recommended local practitioners in pediatrics and adolescence (NYU Langone)
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Additional Mental and Physical Health Resources in NJ
Internationally known experts on LGBTQ issues, largest provider of AASECT-certified sex therapy services in the tri-state region. Cutting-edge (counseling) program for transgender and gender non-conforming youth.
NJ providers as listed by Garden State Equality
American Academy of Pediatrics Autumn 2018 Policy Statement
Teachers and Educators
5 Ways To Make Classrooms More Inclusive
From HRC Foundation's Welcoming Schools: Free downloads and lesson plans
From GLSEN: Resources including educator guides to improving classroom climate and inclusive lessons, also lesson plans on bullying prevention and diversity (click on the blue bar)