Arrival and Dismissal


Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

All students are expected to arrive between 8:40 and 8:50. DO NOT drop your child off at school prior to 8:40—there is no supervision.

If you need to meet with your child’s teacher, please make an appointment and enter through the Garden Street entrance. Bused students will be greeted and escorted into the building.

If your child forgets a lunch or other item, please enter on Garden Street and leave the item in the Office and the office will get these items to your child.

Garden Street is the only door open to walkers. North Fullerton is open only to bused students and will be closed and locked once they have arrived.

Dismissal will begin at 3:05. All parents and caregivers are to remain outside and wait for dismissal—please do not ring the bell for a quick pick-up to avoid traffic. Walkers will meet caregivers outside in the teacher-designated areas.

Please try to limit picking up your child(ren) early – we learn all day long! However, early dismissals (doctor, dentist, etc.) require a note to the teacher —ring the bell, report to office, and wait in the office to sign out student. Please try to alert the office/your child’s teacher 24 hours prior when any change to the usual dismissal plan takes place. If you feel your child may need a reminder, please phone the office before 2:00 pm.

Phone calls after 2:00 pm should only be made in the event you need to make emergency pick-up arrangements (973-509-4259).

No student will be allowed to go home with another adult without a signed note or email from his/her parent or legal guardian.

Students are not permitted to ride a bus home unless they are assigned to that bus.

Students can only be dismissed to those adults who are listed on the official paper work that is on file in the office—no exceptions.

Students may not call home to arrange play dates. Please make these arrangements before school and/or after school via families.

Students may ride a bike to school with adult supervision. Bicycle racks are located behind the Greenhouse. Please do not ride on the grass and make sure bikers have their own locks. The school is not responsible for missing bicycles. Skateboards and scooters are not permitted. Dogs are not permitted on school property at any time.

Car-Line & Frederick Street Entrance

  • Car-line is available on Garden Street only. Garden Street is to be driven one way only during school hours.
  • Drive slowly and do not block the intersection of Garden & North Fullerton Streets.
  • Please stay within the orange traffic cones for everyone’s safety, especially the children.
  • Yield to buses exiting the school from North Fullerton.
  • Do not merge into the car-line from the municipal parking lot.
  • Do not cut into the car line.
  • Car line students must stay in the car until an adult staff member opens the car door--students are to exit curbside only.
  • Please remain in your car and do not pull out of the line—wait until it moves. Frederick Street is not a car-line.
  • Do not drop your child off on the opposite side of Garden Street and do not allow him/her to cross Garden Street in between the car line.

Parking & Driving

In an effort to provide as safe a procedure for arrival and dismissal, please adhere to the following parking requirements as the police will be vigilant in their enforcement;

  • Yield to pedestrians at all times.
  • Garden Street is to be driven one way during arrival and dismissal.
  • Do not pull into the Garden Street school parking lot during school hours, especially at dismissal.
  • Do not drive through North Fullerton when the Do Not Enter Signs are posted.
  • No parking at yellow curbs.
  • No other illegal parking – blocking cross walks, intersections, or school or resident driveways - is permitted at any time.
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