Question/Concern Procedure
The question/concern procedure below should be utilized if you have a question or a concern about your child’s educational program. These steps are the most effective path to resolving any issue you may encounter with your child's education experience. This hierarchy is designed to ensure your concern is handled in an efficient manner.
Your school building is the primary source of information. You should proceed to the next step of the procedure
only if the question/concern was not resolved or if you need further assistance. We value collaboration at every level.
The Board of Education (BOE) has a limited role/authority about administrative matters and only gets involved if all other efforts to resolve an issue have been unsuccessful. Following the Chain of Communications in the following charts is the best way to have concerns addressed. The BOE is purposely the last link in the chain and will review a concern only if the full Chain of Communications has been followed and will generally confer with the Superintendent regarding the concern.

Classroom Teacher – Your child's teacher is at the forefront of the educational process and should be your first line of communication about anything academic, social and/or emotional as it pertains to your child. Parent/teacher consultation is the key to the educational success of your child.
School Counselors – School Counselors, Social Workers and/or Student Assistance Counselors are present at the elementary, middle and high school levels. School Counselors apply academic achievement strategies, manage emotions and apply interpersonal skills, and plan for postsecondary options (higher education, military, work force). Student Assistance Counselors work with students and families to address issues that may hinder academic and social-emotional success and collaborate on a consistent basis with school counselors and CST case managers.
Principal and Assistant Principal – Get to know and confer with your school principal and assistant principal on general policy matters beyond the purview of school staff.
Central Office Departments - An administrator from the specific department will contact you to address and resolve your issue.
Business Office
Department of Equity, Curriculum and Instruction
Operations and School Support Services
Personnel Department
Pupil Services Department
Technology Office
Superintendent – If your concern has not been addressed after following these steps in the above chart, contact the Superintendent's Office. The Superintendent will assist or redirect you to the proper department in Central Office.