

Watchung implements the same Basic Subject Matter curriculum for Kindergarten through 5th grade students as all other Montclair Public Schools. Our curriculum is driven by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Teachers develop lessons from district curriculum to ensure effective learning opportunities for our students. Our basic curriculum includes language arts literacy, math, science and social science.


District Benchmark Assessments

  • Acadience Reading is a universal screening and progress monitoring assessment that measures the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. The assessment is composed of six brief measures that function as indicators of the essential skills that every child must master to become a proficient reader. These measures are used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy skills to provide timely instructional support and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties.


  • IXL is a universal screening and progress monitoring assessment that measures proficiency toward literacy and mathematical grade-level standards. These measures are used to regularly provide teachers with formative data source that will assist them: (1) inform instruction, (2) design targeted instruction and (3) personalize learning for students.  This tool is an extension of our teachers’ instructional resource tool kit, and it will be used to guide the great planning already underway in each teacher’s classroom. IXL will provide us comprehensive curriculum, real-time diagnostic date, personalized guidance, and actionable analytics. (IXL has replaced Renaissance Learning)


English Language Arts (ELA)


With our curriculum, we will build a strong foundation in literacy for our children. With a balanced literacy approach, we incorporate guided reading, shared reading, independent


reading, interactive read aloud, and word study into our language arts block. Our district has adopted the Center for the Collaborative Classroom (CCC) program to help children develop their literacy skills with Making Meaning and Being a Writer components of the



Students’ reading levels are assessed four times a year using the research-based Renaissance Learning Program and in some cases the Developmental Reading Assessment 2 (DRA2). These assessment tools enable teachers to identify students’ reading achievement, document progress, and modify teaching methods to plan and implement instruction.


*Montclair Public Schools - English Language Arts Curriculum, Grades 3-5



The MPS has adopted and implement a new math program. The Go Math! program will serve as our new teaching resource this year. Math instruction is always evolving, with new approaches to pedagogy, engagement, and technology. GO Math!® meets students and teachers on their math journey, raising student achievement scores and supporting teachers along the way.

Designed by the same author team across K–8, GO Math! incorporates the latest thinking in its comprehensive approach and engages digital natives with cross-platform technology. It helps teachers to differentiate instruction, building and reinforcing foundational math skills that translate from the classroom to real life.

*Montclair Public Schools - Mathematics Curriculum, Grades 3-5




Our district will continue with the implementation of the The Full Option Science System - FOSS Program. This science program bridges research and practice by providing tools and strategies to engage students and teachers in enduring experiences that lead to deeper understanding of the natural and designed worlds. Science creates an awareness and understanding of our natural and designated environment and our place in it. Curiosity and enthusiasm must be nurtured and encouraged in such a way that a child’s innate interest in the wonders of natural phenomena is enhanced and his or her reasoning and problem-solving skills promoted. Students should be engaged in explorations through frequent applied learning and inquiry-based programs. Many experiences should be provided for the child to perform real-life and relevant investigations.


*Montclair Public Schools - Science Curriculum, Grades 3-5


Social Studies


The administration, faculty, and staff of Montclair Public Schools, in cooperation with parents and the community, and with active participation of the students, are committed to viewing each other as individuals, respecting each person’s uniqueness, and setting high expectations for all students. Our learning environment will be conducive to the acquisition of knowledge, as well as to the development of problem solving, critical thinking, and organizational skills. Through an interdisciplinary approach, we will aid our students in developing responsible behavior, a positive attitude toward themselves and others, and the necessary life skills to become productive citizens in our changing society.



*Montclair Public Schools - Social Studies Curriculum, Grades 3-5




Homework is given to reinforce skills taught in school as well as to teach students


responsibility for their learning. As per District Policy: 2230 – Homework, the Board of Education believes that homework “provides an opportunity to broaden, deepen and reinforce the pupil’s knowledge”. The amount and type of homework will vary and increases as students’ progress through grade levels. We also strongly encourage that every child reads at home daily. Children can enjoy listening to you read aloud; they can read to you and they should read independently. Teachers will review their expectations for homework at the Annual Back-to-School Night. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s homework.


Report Cards


Report cards are completed three times during the school year. Report cards are standardized across the district for third, fourth, and fifth grades. The numbers and letters used for the keys (developmental/behavioral) should not be viewed as grades. There is no relationship between those numbers and letters, and numerical or letter grades. The report card reflects our efforts to give you an accurate and on-going assessment of your child’s academic, social, and emotional progress. Report cards will be visible in Parent Access

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